Boston Consulting Group (BCG) held their first ever Venture Day on November 27th 2020, using the Seervision Suite to broadcast live to over 200 participants. Holding a virtual event allowed 12 founders to pitch themselves and their startup ideas to investors, and present their progress remotely. This opened the door to a wider audience than would have been possible in a physical event. With COVID-19 restrictions in place, the event needed to be virtual, as well as simple to set up and operate.
To achieve their conference success, BCG used a Panasonic PTZ camera alongside a traditional broadcast camera to provide a dynamic feel whilst remaining grounded when necessary. By using Seervision to manage both cameras simultaneously, they were able to build a professional production simply and without compromise.

Use case
BCG’s virtual Venture DAY was a chance for startups to interface directly with the industry, pitching their businesses to potential investors alongside keynotes and workshops from corporations and experts
The Seervision Suite was employed to livestream the main stage events to an entirely online audience, providing a consistent and professional production.
Key benefits
Fully autonomous streaming of company pitches, switching back to live discussions and Q&As without interruption.
Workshops and keynote speakers were all able to interact with the online audience without having to worry about the production.
"I think this way of communication will stay and become a part of the new marketing toolset"
- Felix Gonzalez, BCG Marketing Manager
The event itself consisted of keynotes, startup pitches, breakout sessions, and 1:1 meetings with potential investors and partners. All of this took place online, utilizing the Seervision Suite alongside Hopin to provide a high-quality, professional production for all parties involved. Holding a virtual event in this way helped BCG to keep costs down without compromising on participants’ experiences. With the main focus being on the company pitches, it was crucial that the event gave those presenting just as much interactivity and confidence as would have been possible in person.
"To have Seervision's solution-oriented support when we were dealing with new platforms was crucial"
- Felix Gonzalez, BCG Marketing Manager
BCG’s core outlook is based around helping ‘corporations think and act like venture capitalists’. They focus on a ‘portfolio of investable business ideas and a relentless dedication to consumers.’ This commitment is an outlook that we share here at Seervision: providing consumer-oriented solutions to real-world problems. By focusing on the key needs of the participants, the Seervision Suite allows users to manage virtual events simply, without compromising on quality.